Resources by Nick Harrison - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Resources by Nick Harrison

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Power in the Promises: Praying God's Word to Change Your Life

Power in the Promises: Praying God's Word to Change Your Life

by Nick Harrison

“The Bible is a Book of precious promises; all the way we have to travel, they seem to be like a series of stepping-stones across the stream of time, and we may march from one promise to another, and never wet our feet all the way from earth to heaven, if we do but know how to keep our eyes open, and to find the right promise to step upon.”  Charles… Read more…

His Victorious Indwelling: Daily Devotions for a Deeper Christian Life

His Victorious Indwelling: Daily Devotions for a Deeper Christian Life

by Nick Harrison

Have you truly grasped the remarkable heritage that is yours in Christ? Through the years, certain Christians have stood out for their deep insight into the riches we possess in Christ. Oswald Chambers, A. W. Tozer, Hannah Whittal Smith, D. L. Moody, E. M. Bounds . . . these men and women knew the secrets of the abundant spiritual life. Drawing on the medita… Read more…

Magnificent Prayer: 366 Devotions to Deepen Your Prayer Experience

Magnificent Prayer: 366 Devotions to Deepen Your Prayer Experience

by Nick Harrison

Have you ever sensed that you’ve seen just the foothills of what prayer is about? Do you long for more? Magnificent Prayer points you toward the heights of communion with God. Drawing insights from classic and contemporary pioneers of prayer, Nick Harrison guides you on a year-long devotional course of discovery, application, and growth. Corrie ten Boom, J… Read more…